But here's my problem with the straightener:
(note to reader - it get's kinda heavy at this point)
I have thought A LOT about poverty lately. Mostly because I'm reading a book about living in 'community' with the poverty-stricken. The author speaks about being Christ-like and reaching out to those in need. It's an absolutely amazing book....challenging and thought provoking. I've also thought a lot about poverty because I'm reminded constantly of the things that I saw while in Uganda last August. We have so much and the people I met had so little...and it's simply just unfair when all is said and done.
That said, here's the dilemma.
I could have straight hair.....or I could buy a child in Africa four new sets of clothes.
I could have straight hair.....or I could donate money to a needy family in the church.
I could have straight hair.....or I could feed a family in Africa for several months.
I could have straight hair.....or I could buy blankets for those on the Downtown Eastside.
I could have straight hair.....or I could send a child in Africa to school for an entire year.
I find there to be no comparison with the above...er...'comparisons.'
There is something absolutely twisted about the way we live in North America (note: I am from North America).
It's in the seemingly small things (like purchasing a 'hair straightener'), that I know I am completely ignorant of those in need. And if I would only give up the things that are 'luxeries' in my life (straight hair being an ABSOLUTE luxery), I would maybe open up a wider door for God to show his love, care and provision to those in need.
Something just doesn't make sense.
And all this over two ceramic hot plates and a handle....
yup. a dilemma indeed. let's have coffee and talk about it soon!