Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Skydiving Anyone?

So, I've decided that I want to go skydiving on my birthday this year. So, if you're reading this AND you want to go skydiving AND you're around on Saturday, July 21st...feel free to come along.

I found a lot of videos on youtube entitled 'Skydive accidents,' but I'm not going to think about those. After seeing the video below, I'm actually more frightened to wear the 'penis-head' hat than to actually jump out of the plane. I think that's a good thing for the time being....but it's probably a bad thing that I mentioned the word 'penis' in this particular blog entry. So if you're reading this entry and you're offended, I apologize for saying the word 'penis' again...right there...

And I also apologize for the antics of Rachael Ray in this movie. I am a firm believer that she needs to stick to her 'cooking' roots. I'm also a firm believer that the camera shouldn't be rolling during any other time. Both of these beliefs were neglected in the making of this film. (Note: She's not TOO bad though....she did a good job at helping this lady overcome her fears, right?)

Oh....and when Rachael Ray lands, her legs do something really funny (and I apparently found this hilarious the first time I watched). You be your own judge though.



  1. ...

    there are so many ways i could make fun of rachel ray right a christian ashley...don't judge....

    (ps. I rewound her legs doing that quite a few times and laughed each time. you are not alone. hahaha)

  2. JUMP BABY....JUMP! You can can can fly....hopefully ;)
