Wednesday, June 27, 2007


Walked onto my night shift at 7pm (two nights ago)....and my patient yells to me, "I've had a diarrhea and it's everywhere!"

This is about the time that I hung my head low, cried a single tear of shame and donned the gloves....the shift went downhill from there (if you could only imagine).

The good thing you ask? Well, this is the first and LAST story concerning 'poop' that will ever grace the face of this blog....

Because I will soon be working on a maternity unit.

And with this, I shout 'adios' to old folks and bowel surgeries!
(Cheryl beats her fist in the air triumphantly)

It's 2:30am and there's a smile on my face.


  1. WOOOHOOOO!!!! Down with all the shit! haha!

  2. YAHHOOOOYYYYYIIIPPPEEEE....No more poop stories....hallejulah ;) Congratulations Nurse Cheryl!

  3. i love poo.....STORIES. i for one will miss them.

  4. dear cheryl--i hate to burst your poopless bubble--but--pregnant and laboring women poop a lot and so do their babies--you cannot escape poop in nursing--it is our existence--its just a poopy job--face it--love from your poop cleaning momma

  5. I am holding you to your statement that states "Well, this is the first and LAST story concerning 'poop' that will ever grace the face of this blog...."
    No matter what happends with labouring women...

  6. Wow....I'm pretty impressed that my 'poo' story has created the most comments for any of my posts yet....and in the shortest period of time!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Please don't let this be the last poop-tale, I beg you; potty humour is magical.
