Thursday, November 8, 2007

Small Things, Lots of Purpose.

One of my patients at the hospital yesterday was bed-bound and was craving a decent cup of coffee. I don't usually drink coffee (key word: usually), but I took my afternoon break to actually head down to the lobby and get this patient a cup of Tim Horton's finest brew. I may have gotten myself a morsel of pastry-loving to fatten up on while down there. I was told I'd be paid back, but I kept thinking to myself, if it takes less than $1.50 to make this person's day, why not make it on-the-house? The patient was appreciative to say the least. I actually thought the person might cry when I put the coffee on their bedside table. I guess jello doesn't always satisfy the most hungry of hospital customers.

That said, I don't want to look like an everyday 'do-gooder.' I don't think I've done small things like this in a while...I just had the sudden urge yesterday and my day was made.

But I've been thinking today that maybe all God intends for us to do is small things with a lot of purpose...I mean, the BIG things will come, but small things can be done every day.

Couldn't hurt, right?

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