Thursday, May 8, 2008

The Past Few...

In the past few months, I have seen:

-Several babies born after having pooped in utero.

-Baby boys peeing in the air while in the nude and being weighed.

-A woman actually hitting her husband in the face while laboring.

-Many, many boobies :)

-A whole lot of Va-jay-jay :)

-More blood than I expected (and I expected there to be a lot).

-Plenty of dirty delivery dishes.

-Placenta...up to my elbows...all day long ;)

-Quite a few sick babies :(

-A good share of moaning and groaning (and screaming)...sometimes for hours on end.

-Loads of paperwork (once again, more than expected).

-Some of the biggest needles I think I'll ever see in my nursing career.

-Amniotic fluid'flying' powerfully out of a woman that it hits four of the people at the foot of the bed (myself included).

And interestingly enough (if 'interestingly' is in fact a word), I'm LOVING my job.

Go figure ;)