Monday, June 23, 2008


I've been thinking tonight about God's leading. I don't want to underestimate God's power or sovereignty (because he encompasses both of these qualities to the FULL), but I do believe that he gives freedom of choice to his children, and I wonder if my choices over the past while have led me to an 'intended' place. Does he just smile when he thinks about where I'm at? Where I'm living? What I'm doing? Was this all part of his plan or intention?

I'm reminded of Psalm 139 when it says:

"Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence?
If I go up to the heavens, you are there; If I make my bed in the depths, you are there.
If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast."

We can not run from God. He is there. I could choose to fly to Nantucket or Djibouti or crawl into a cave in the middle of the Rockies (don't know why I would)...but God will find me there. He will work in that environment. He's gonna pry at my heart whether I'm laying on a beach in Vancouver or a camping mattress in a third world country. These 'worldly' distances are no obstacles for a God who speaks to the human heart.

I suppose then, that all that matters is the committment of a loving Savior to a sinner (and sometimes a 'run-away-er') like me. God's true 'intention' is to teach his children, help his children to learn and grow and understand his love for them. And that I am doing. I am learning a little more every day about a Savior who would love nothing more than for me to be happy with where I'm at. To not be discontented with life or questioning her whereabouts, but happy just to be with him.

So that I will choose to do. At least, in this moment.

And the end, all the roads (for me) end up in the same place. I'm gonna end up with him when all is said and done :)


  1. "And the end, all the roads (for me) end up in the same place. I'm gonna end up with him when all is said and done :)"

    Can this not be quite a dangerous way to progess through life, if (which im not saying youre doing) this would be a persons mantra, that is to say, what one structures thier belief and mindset around.?

    By dangerous Im thinking in an overcontent inaction sort of way.

    Someone once told me that if everything was easy, nothing would be hard. Sounds kind of lame and profound at the same time, maybe "Go in through the narrow gate, because the gate is wide and the road is spacious that leads to destruction, and many people are entering by it" rings more of a bell, but I think both sayings get the point across to me anyway.....

    isnt it funny that roads are a common theme from your "in the end" thought and my crazy comments.....

    thanks for your ever provoking blog posts Cheryl keep them up!

  2. It's funny, because as I wrote that last 'in the end' line, I was afraid that all of my thousands of readers (wink) would think that I'd given up on following God's leading...because I mean, in the end...etc etc.

    It would definitely be a dangerous way to progress through life, I agree. It's just the comfort of knowing my 'ending' that helps me to focus all the more on the 'race.' Given the 'narrower' roads, would they be made less draining if I lived in the light of eternity? But then, I guess it depends on the details of the road and what you're being led through....

    Just thinking.

    Anyhow, thanks for the comment. It's encouraging to know that people read my 'cyber-space' thoughts :)

  3. i like that "living in the light of eternity" concept sometimes, but other times it seems a bit too "churchy" for me, and lllluuuckky for you this is one of those times...;-)
    Why, you ask?
    It seems like a kind of dichotomy that where the "narrow" road seems quite passable and in fact almost looks like a wide road to the untrained eye....should "in the light of eternity" (ILE for short) not make our footsteps lighter and our load not so heavy ?
    Then this "narrow" (which by means harder to travel?)road shouldnt be really that hard should it and in a way becomes a pleasent even rewarding journey. In fact the very responsibilty that grace endows us with makes it imperitive that we are "blessed" on our journey and as purveyors of the "knock and the door shall be opened unto you seek and ye shall find" theory should give us an opportunities for rest and reward along the way, along the NARROW way no less, thus transforming it into a "wide" (which means easier to travel to me) road because of the fact that we are living ILE!

    Now this I know, I know, is a circular argument at best but those are some of the best roads if you DONT know where your going yet still feel like travelling.....

    My point, (oh such a laborious one) is that the secularized church is in fact leading many in a wide path, a wide path which is thought to be narrow by those travelling it because of the light that they percieve is guiding them .....
    a narrow NARROW path is hard to find ...and i think from reading one of your last blogs this may be a reason why africa has such a calling for you...

    so so so

  4. i would like it if you chose to write another blog. (get it? choice? ya i'm awesome). :) have a good day oh beautiful one.
