Sunday, February 8, 2009

Oh the Mystery!

Not long ago I somehow 'misplaced' my favorite lipchap. Needless to say, I went out and bought a new one, and put it in my purse (where the other one had gone missing from).

Well, that 're-purchased' lipchap just went missing a couple of days ago.....very confused, I told myself that I'm a) Not one to really misplace anything and, b) Not going crazy :)

WEEELLLL, yesterday one of my lipsticks disappeared! Now I'm really losing it....well, not losing it, but wondering what the heck my lips are going to do against the vancouver elements without 'goop' on them.

I was out to lunch with a friend today, and she said 'maybe there's a hole in your purse'....I mean, my purse IS large, but it's NEW also.....there couldn't possibly be a hole already ;)

Well, there was. I felt at the bottom of my purse and there was a whole whack load of stuff lounging out underneath the fabric in my purse.....and after reaching into the small hole and retrieving all of the items at the bottom, this is what I found:

-2 Burt's Bees Lip chaps (Woot!)

-1 Covergirl lipstick

-Feminine hygiene products ;)

-3 bobby pins

-A small bottle of American Eagle perfume

-A spare car key


-A button AND....

-Rewetting drops for my contacts.

All in the bottom of my purse! Needless to say, Christmas has come WAY early for me this year (minus maybe the feminine hygiene products and the button :)

Don't know why I felt the need to share that....but there you go! My taste buds, car, eyes, hair AND lips are now very happy :)


  1. It's like your own 'Mary Poppins' purse...

    Do you know where the button came from?

    I like that I kinda made your blog ;-)
