I shouldn't probably be writing this right now. I'm definitely in the middle of a night shift and I just finished my work....and paper work. I should probably read some of my charts. You know, LEARN a little more about my patients.....whatever. I'm off for a couple days after this one. And I did learn one little piece of information about one of my patients that's been floating around in my head for the past couple of hours.
One of my patients right now is dying. Well, a FEW of them are actually 'dying' per se...I'll keep ALL of the sad stories I've encountered this weekend off of this particular post. But this one patient just makes my heart ache. Let's just say that it's been just under a month and this patient has gone from being healthy, to being in midst of his/her final days. And this person is less than 65 years old.....very young.
Well. I was reading the social workers notes in this patients chart. The thing that struck out to me was the line, 'Patient was a loner and was not involved in any religious groups.'
Patient was a loner.
Not involved in any religious groups.
I'm sitting here right now with this patients door about ten feet away and I am sick to my stomach that he/she is going to die without family and friends around. It also makes me sick to think that I can be so ungrateful for the blessings that God has given me.
I think that we far too often want 'more' in this life, and become ungrateful for the small things that make life worth living. Such as breathing. I'm filling my lungs with air right now....it's kinda nice actually. I will go to church in the morning and have people around to speak with. I'm about to dive into a couple of cookies.....yum yum (especially on a night shift). I can laugh, I can sing (to myself), I can dance (when no one's looking)....and I can thank God that life is good.
I thank God for the things he's teaching me.
I thank God for the blessings he's given me.
I thank God for the people he blesses me with every day.
Life is good, life is good, life is good.
And that is all I want to say right now.
I'm going to check on my patients.....
2 weeks ago
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