For the first few hours of a night shift (at the hospital), I spend my time 'settling' the patients with the other staff. This requires (sigh) pulling out some wash basins and helping people clean up for the night as well as getting people to move (aka get out of their beds and walk somewhere...which is apparently a HUGE ordeal, even to those who have had minor surgeries).
Anyhow, me and another nurse washed this one older lady who apparently has trouble even ROLLING in bed. We had her rolled on her side to change a dressing under her right armp and she was groaning and moaning and complaining the entire time. I tried to calm her by saying things like, 'Breathe nice and deep in through your nose' and 'We're almost finished.' Nevertheless, after about 10 minutes of my telling her that we were 'almost done,' the lady found enough breath to firmly tell me 'WHY do you keep saying that you're almost done when you're not?!'
The blunt comment stung a little...and I looked to my fellow nurse, who had a look of shock on her face. Apparently this was the rudest comment that the nurse had heard this patient say in the last couple days...and I had sparked it on (one solid point for me).
So, I turned to the patient and said, 'Sorry maam. I suppose I might be a bit of a liar.' WELL, this gave the lady a little smile, her face softened a little, and then she turned to me and said, 'Well, at least you're a NICE liar.'
A NICE liar. Had a good laugh afterwards anyhow...
1 week ago
hahaha...cheryl that story is awesome :) I love it.