Many might see the date on this post and think to themselves...what the heck was this girl doing the day before christmas writing on her blog? Well let me explain.
For the past few days I've been thinking a TON about a lot of different things. I won't go into details about my exact thoughts...but I want to share one thought that has worked it's way into my mind several times over the past week or so.
I love Jesus.
And I want more of Jesus.
It makes me very sad to think of people who just do not fully understand God's love for us. It saddens me also, when I think of people turning to things of the world and away from the loving care of a Savior that could hold them much stronger than this small world ever could. It saddens me more that I have been the one running to the world over the past little while...
I know, through several experiences, how hard it is to look into the eyes of Christ and see yourself for who you really are. It's hard and tiring and frustrating and sickening at times. But when the initial shock is past, there's love so OVERWHELMING that there are simply no words to explain it. God's son was sent...JESUS was sent to free us from the chains of the world, if we'd only just turn to him and let him have his way with us.
I've been listening to a song called 'give me jesus' by Jeremy Camp for the past few days (for some reason it just hasn't gotten old yet). The song if very simple and several phrases ring true to me right now...
In the morning when I rise, give me Jesus.
When I am alone, give me Jesus.
When I come to die, give me Jesus.
You can have all this world, but give me Jesus.
The things of this world WILL come and go. Christmas seasons will come and go. Birthday's too. Friendships may change. Family member's will pass away. It is a GIVEN that we will have hardships...but Jesus is there through it all and it is his LOVE that remains the same.
And with that...I ask for more of Jesus.
Give me Jesus.
1 week ago
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