Present Time: 2:51am
Presently Listening to: 'Divine Romance' by Phil Wickham
Presently sipping on: Chamomile Tea
Present mood: Contemplative (yes folks, even this early in the am!)
I think in analogies. Seriously, I don't share them very much, but I think of analogies all day long. And I've been contemplating one particular analogy for the past while. Shall I share? Well, sleep isn't working for me right now, so why not :)
I was hanging out with my mom and niece today. I haven't seen either of them in a couple weeks now and it is especially interesting to see the ways that my niece changes EVERY time that I see her. The most recent having to do with her gettin' close to walking! Me and my mom had her taking a few steps back and forth between us......so I wouldn't be suprised if she's doing it all on her own the next time I see her.
I have this mental picture in my head of my sweet little niece gripping onto the edge of a couch and just not having the trust enough to let go of the couch and start walking. I'm reminded of the times where I can just hang on so tightly to the things in this world (one thing in particular right now) and not trust God with my life. Like a small little child just clinging to the edge of the couch, I find myself gripping to similar things....be them insecurities or fears, these 'safeholds' are there. And in the moment these 'things' keep me safe, they bring me comfort. But truthfully, I want to walk....and then one day run, and that's definitely not gonna happen if I keep gripping so tightly. I mean, hanging on hurts. Just squeeze your hand tightly for a minute and I'm sure that you'll be quite relieved when the 60 seconds is over :)
Anyhow, there's the analogy. I just need to learn to trust a little more.....
And for the record,
Present Time: 4:23am
Presently not drinking: Friggid cold chamomile tea :)
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