Sunday, December 21, 2008

Ten Good Things :)

I was just 'blog stalking' and came across a post which told its' reader to thank God for ten good things in their life. Well, here's my ten:

1) I have a full meal in my belly

2) I have a lovely family whom I just shared that meal with

3) I have a roof over my head and

4) I have a pillow to lay my head on tonight

5) I will be able to do some travelling next year

6) I am taking a course in January that I'm quite excited about :)
7) I have a rewarding job

8) I have a couple good roommates

9) And I am never alone because

10) I have a God who loves me

If you're reading this, Merry Christmas to you!

P.S. And a Merry Christmas to my sister in Korea.....I'm excited for my visit :)


  1. wow, that is the best looking family i have ever seen...
